Driver Coaching
Qualifications and Association Memberships

ARDS in conjunction with the MSA issues ARDS Instructor Licences, currently the only recognised and available licence for circuit racing instructors.To apply for an ARDS Instructor Licence a person must have raced and must qualify to hold an MSA Race National A competition licence. The individual must then complete training and pass an assessment at an ARDS member race school that has agreed to be their sponsor school. The ARDS Instructor Licence has a grading system.
ARDS Website
The Motor Sports Association enforces general regulations to minimise risk and ensure a level playing field in UK motor sport. These regulations are evaluated and amended throughout the year by a number of Specialist Committees representing various branches of the sport: Autotest, Cross Country, Historic, Kart, Race, Rallies, Speed and Trials. They are then ratified by the Motor Sports Council after a period of consultation. The Motor Sports Council meets quarterly and predominantly comprises the Specialist Committee chairmen. The Council is led by the Chairman, who is joined by the MSA Chairman, MSA Chief Executive, and representatives of the Home Countries. Council decisions are passed to the MSA, as the Executive Body, for implementation and enforcement.
MSA WebsiteThe IAM is the UK’s leading independent road safety charity. We passionately believe that our roads can be made a safer place by improving the standards of the people who are using them. With over 50 years of experience, passion and insight, the IAM is uniquely positioned to help improve the skills and understanding of UK drivers, riders & cyclists.
IAM WebsiteRoads are essential to our everyday lives. We all use them in some way, by driving, riding, walking or travelling as a passenger, and we depend on them to obtain goods and services.
Unfortunately, this comes at a price, which includes people being killed and injured. However, road deaths and injuries are not inevitable. The last few decades have demonstrated that effective and comprehensive road safety strategies can reduce the number of people killed or injured on the road, despite increasing traffic levels.
Great Britain now has one of the best road safety records in the world – but with around five people still dying on Britain’s roads every day there is much more to be done.
RoSPA WebsiteThe primary goal of the APDI is to raise the credibility of motorsport biased driver training (not on the public highway). The wider credibility of our profession does not lie with the individuals we work with and for, but our legal and personal obligations at large.
The criteria of APDI entry is to demonstrate a professional level of experience for any job on which its members may be employed, whether private coaching or corporate.
The APDI is additional to and not separate or in competition with the existing licencing & training bodies (such as MSA, ARDS). The purpose of these is to license employees for Experience and Corporate events at their specific venues or events. This can potentially lead to an erosion of standards which has a negative effect on our professional members.
APDI bridges this gap.
Using the criteria for membership should create a position where APDI members are the more suitable staff for track days, manufacturer events, professional on track driver training and so on.
Through improved insurance and specialist legal support, plus a sensible criteria for membership, the APDI is the choice for anyone who makes a living from off the public highway performance driver training.
APDI WebsiteThe Association of Track Day Organisers (ATDO) is a non-profit making organisation, which was established in 1999 to set general safety standards and a code of practice for track days. The ATDO currently has over 20 members, consisting of track day organisers & operators, and other track day related bodies.
ATDO WebsiteThe SDSA provide safety standards and independent professional assessment and certification for specialist driving professionals.
This includes driving professionals who supervise or accompany guests on driving experiences, manufacturer driving days, advanced handling facilities, demonstration and display drivers etc.

Driver coaching at Goodwood